- Every family member makes a New Year’s reading goal.
- Make sure your child has a need to know, a reason for learning or reading something.
- Assess background knowledge. Capitalize on it, or add it. “Schema” is prior knowledge (“schemata“, plural).
- Anticipate what the reading will be about. “Guess what it’s about.”
- Note the author’s paragraph writing pattern. Is the main idea at the top, middle, or end?
- Preview, read, and review text in DRA’s. Directed Reading Activities.
- Previewing includes questioning, predicting, and determining the purpose for the reading.
- Take a Book Walk. Notice the structural features of texts. Look at titles, sub-titles and unique features.
- After reading: summarize, clarify, sequence and note minor but important details.
- Summarize at the end of a chapter, or more frequently, as after each sentence.
- “Chunk it. Break reading into short increments to ensure understanding.
- Practice makes permanent. Repetition makes the learning stick.
- Draw conclusions and make inferences about what you read.
- Use graphic organizers: KWL: (Ogle) K: What I already know; W: What I Want to Know; L: What I learned.
- PWR: Predict, Write, Read (to find out if you are right).
- RCRC: Read, Cover it up, or close the book. Summarize. Read (open the book) to see if you were right.
- Reciprocal Reading. Take turns asking each other questions after reading a paragraph or page.
- Repeated Readings: Reread the same passage of approximately 150-180 words; repeat three times in two or three minute increments.
- Write about the reading in a variety of ways. Simplest, use sentence frames: “I learned that”. OR “Write what this paragraph is about, in twenty words or less.” Or Draw a picture to show what you read.
- Use resources on and off line to clarify any questions about your reading and set a new reading goal based where you left off. A reminder, make sure the text is readable and at your child’s independent or instructional level.
In summary, here are the basic building blocks of comprehension. First, have a purpose or reason to read. Next, connect with prior knowledge about the subject, then predict and anticipate what the material is about, including writing some questions. Finally, post-reading, help your reader organiz
e, recall and respond to the new information. One other consideration, make sure to consider the new vocabulary, which affects understanding.
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